 (Gerhard Schmidt's Homepage)

Welcome at my homepage.

I am looking for more information about my family tree

You'll find links to family research and to maps of Upper Palatinate/Oberpfalz, Egerland, Franconian Switzerland/Fränkische Schweiz  and to names and places which were important to my ancestors. If visitors of this homepage find connections to their own families I  would appreciate an e-mail!

My hobbies are family research and  history. And my second hobby is about the Titanic and maritime  themes.

There are also links to the homepages of the two German federal states Bavaria and Berlin which are important to me  (just click on the flags). Click also on  the flag of Germany! There you will  find news about the latest cultural and political events. 

 I am furthermore a member of the Council of International Fellowship in Germany.

maps from: Altalbenreuth, Neualbenreuth, Haag-Bergfried, Bergfried-Grafenwöhr and Trägweis

family and places:   Egerland-Frais  and  Oberpfalz